
FP Workshop - 0. FP Basic

Chapter 0: FP Basic 함수형 프로그래밍을 접하기 전에 알아야할 기본 지식들

  • Workshop
  • Functional Programming

FP Workshop - 1. Functional vs Imperative

Chapter 1: Functional vs Imperative 명령형 스타일로 된 코드를 함수형 스타일로 바꾸어 보기

  • Workshop
  • Functional Programming

FP Workshop - 2. FxTs

Chapter 2: FxTs 자바스크립트 함수형 라이브러리 FxTs를 사용해보기

  • Workshop
  • Functional Programming

FP Workshop - 3. Monad

Chapter 3: Monad 1. Monad(모나드)와 Promise 모나드란 함수합성을 안전하게 해주는 장치. 함수 f와 g를 합성한다고 할때, 수학적인 기호로는 다음과 같이 표시한다. f * g 이론적으로는 f(g(x)) 를 합성한 결과는 언제 어디서 실행하든지 항상 f(g(x))가 되어야 하지만, 현실 에서는 여러가지 외부적인 요인(메모리누수, API 서버 고장 등)으로 인해 같지 않을 수 있다 . f(g(x)) == f(g(x)) // 이론 f(g(x)) != f(g(x)) // 현실 모나드는 함수합성을 안전하게 하기위한 목적을 가지고 만든 객체(Object)다. 이 객체가 map을 메소드로 가지고 있으면 functor(함수자), map과 flatMap을 메소드로 가지고 있으면 monad라고 정의하였지만 이것은 그냥 정의일 뿐.

  • Workshop
  • Functional Programming

Design pattern for e2e test

Design pattern for e2e test When using e2e testing in my work, we faced the issue of a lot of code being duplicated. To solve this problem, we defined a dedicated new design pattern for e2e test. Folder structure of app Before start, I would inform you that our company is using two different concept of components: components

  • E2E
  • Design Pattern

How to automate semantic version of your project

Semantic Versioning, often abbreviated as SemVer, provides a standardized way to indicate the compatibility and impact of updates, making it easier for developers and users to understand how a new version of a software component relates to previous versions.

  • CI/CD
  • Productivity

How to Resolve Bugs Caused by Conflicts Between Previous and Current Built Assets in SPA

Every time when you release a new web app, the bundler generates a random hash filename for each build assets. This allows the server to deliver new assets to the web app without conflicts and avoid asset conflicts with previous versions. However, this behavior can be problematic in SPA(Single page application) where the entire page does not refresh in the browser.

  • SPA
  • User Experience

6 Reasons Why I Prefer FxTS Over Lodash or Ramda

Today, as someone who loves functional programming, I’m going to introduce a functional library FxTs that I’m sure you’ll never know. A few years ago I stumbled upon an online functional programming course authored by “Indong Yoo” who created FxJs(previous version of FxTs) taught functional programming while creating a functional library from scratch.

  • Functional Programming