FT Linear Regression


Ft linear regression demo


ft_linear_regression is a 42 machine learning project to create a program that predicts the price of a car by using a linear function train with a gradient descent algorithm. Dataset consists of a pair of price and mileage in src/data.csv. In this project we are free to use any language, so I used Javascript(NodeJS and React for visualization)

How to use

1. Install package

> npm i

2. Prediction before train

Try to predict price before training our src/model.json

> npm run predict
> milage: 200000
> price: 0

3. Train

> npm run train
Theta0 :  8008.400720135726
Theta1 :  -0.02144848806185557

4. Prediction after train

> npm run predict
> milage: 200000
> price: 3718.7031077646125

5. Visualization (React App localhost:8080)

> npm run bonus

By changing the learning rate, you can observe how the gradient descent algorithm is performed.


  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Webpack